29 October 2009

happy happy!

oh i was soooo ecstatic to find i was on the front page today... it has been months!
a warm thank you to KaurFunktion for the fabulous bronze treasury! 

25 October 2009

freshly fired

well, i'm happy to report that this batch has vibrant patinas!
{...and i have lost a small elusive piece... it will turn up 3 firings from now.}
i hope to have a few of these finished this week! 

24 October 2009

golden post

oh orange marmalade kitties!
{photo found on ffffound!}

some bronze pieces ready to go into the kiln. 
i can't wait to see the patinas~ i still 'ooohhh & ahhh' when i fish them out of the coals!
... and well, & the occasional frustrated moment... of not being able to find that really small, elusive piece that's seems forever lost.
{my sweet marjji ginger kitty looks on... i love her...}

i am on a fox crazzzze! 
{art by ty wilkins}
i like this. this will be a new daily affirmation. 
{from ffffound)

15 October 2009